The Chicago Hockey Initiative is excited to introduce our 61st Microgrant recipient – Alex! This aspiring goaltender is an elementary student from northern Illinois. Alex is eager to begin the hockey season and sharpen his goaltending skills.
Alex wrote in his application that he “loves shooting the puck really hard” and also “playing goalie”. What a unique combination! Alex also said that another thing he really likes about hockey is the gloves: “Sometimes after practice I go into the pro shop and try on all the gloves that I can reach.” Alex, the CHI is soooo with you on the gloves thing! Alex’s father wrote that “My son has a genuine passion for hockey” which has certainly been evident from our interactions with the family. Ms. Chuy, Alex’s teacher, included in the application that “Alex consistently displays the qualities of a good citizen in and out of the classroom. Putting others first and being caring is something that comes naturally to him. It’s clear to see that his classmates look to Alex and seek him out when working in groups. Alex works hard and persists in his learning.” What great compliments! The CHI loves to see the “student” portion of student-athlete exemplified so clearly!!
The CHI is very proud to be on Alex’s team as he starts another school year and hockey season. This Microgrant was fulfilled through the generosity of our friends at Goose Island.