The Chicago Hockey Initiative is proud to introduce Alex and Leo, our 30th and 31st Microgrant recipients! The brothers reside in north central Chicago and attend high school in the city as well. The CHI was pleased to fulfill these Microgrants with support from our community sponsor,
Alex and Leo wrote passionately about the impact hockey has had on their lives. “I love hockey,” Leo wrote directly in his application. “It lets me express who I am. It’s my escape from the things that stress me out.” We at the CHI feel quite the same, Leo. Alex, a goaltender, wrote “I love the intensity of the game. I love that the sport is team-focused, letting me bond with teammates and create lasting friendships.” Wonderful sentiments, Alex, we wholeheartedly agree!
Alex received several impressive academic compliments from his American History teacher, Mr. Jones, among them: “Alex’s ability to think critically has enabled him to write at an advanced level and create thoughtful arguments.” Leo’s teacher, Ms. Bruce, offered general praise of his academic performance: “Leo has worked hard to achieve high grades and took interest in activities that challenged him; he took the opportunity to tackle difficult problems and questions in a variety of subjects.” The CHI is very pleased that Alex and Leo emphasize the “student” in student-athlete.
Alex and Leo’s hockey coaches, Coach Wallin and Coach Smith, respectively, were also very complimentary of the boys’ personal qualities on the ice as well. Participation in the game of hockey has certainly contributed to positive character development for Alex and Leo.
The CHI has certainly enjoyed meeting Leo and Alex and the members of their academic and athletic communities. We look forward to their ongoing achievements in the classroom and on the ice!